Digit magazine, What price design?
March 2006
DESIGNERS like nothing better than talking about the “value” of design. Design solutions that turn around a company’s fortunes and make millionaires of all involved (except, of course, the design company), are always celebrated, and agencies love to trumpet success that can be measured financially.
However, mention price – how much design costs, and how much it should cost – and everyone gets very tight-lipped.
The Design Council simply says: “We don’t have information like that.” Design Week, the design industry’s weekly trade bible couldn’t tell us either, pointing instead to its salary survey (down this year for the top guns, up a bit for middleweight designers).
The Design Business Association (DBA) was distinctly cagey about it, although they did admit they carried out an annual survey of price, available to members only. Membership costs £1,000, but we twisted some arms and obtained some of the DBA’s key findings for 2005, which are quite alarming.
Read the full article here.
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