Paramotor Magazine, issue 20, August / September 2010
He is the man beneath the flying helmet of YouTube’s premier paramotoring star, PPG for Morons. Ed Ewing speaks to Paul Anthem
Whether it’s buying a cheap paraglider from eBay and crashing it, hitting village washing lines while distributing church pamphlets from the air, getting stuck on top of the Statue of Liberty, or perhaps most famously, landing in the ring in the middle of a Tyson fight, the fringe of this sport has its fair share of well, oddness.
The star of PPG for Morons knows all about this type of inflight bad behaviour. He’s always crashing weddings, landing in lakes, setting himself on fire or getting others in trouble. Somehow he always gets away with it.
If you haven’t seen him yet, then find a computer and check him out on YouTube. The creation of Ohio pilot Paul Anthem, 45, he’s a bumbling fool who manages to miss losing fingers and friends only by a whisker in every short film.
On the cusp of internet stardom some of Paul’s videos have been viewed over 100,000 times, and he has made literally dozens. All feature him and his paramotor... (1,500 words)
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