Paramotor Magazine, issue 19, June / July 2010
Hernan Pitocco Infinite Tumbled his paramotor in April. Another astonishing first from this master of the air. By Ed Ewing
La Cumbre, Argentina, is a laidback town. Somewhat off the beaten track to the north of Cordoba, itself an overnight bus journey from the capital Buenos Aires, it sits in a broad valley surrounded by hills that slope up to forested mountains. It is wine country, and weekend-getaway country.
The main street is a place for browsing the New-Age crystal shops and hippy-chic while holding hands and sipping coffee. Outside the town, rambling, rundown wooden houses prick at dreams of running away and living the good life forever, while rusty old pickups trundle up dusty tracks to distant hills.
If the wild mountains and glaciers of Patagonia are Argentina’s Alaska, then La Cumbre is Marin County, California, home to big spaces, free time and outdoor living under the sun. It’s chillout central.
This is where Hernan Pitocco lives and works, flying tandems at nearby Cuchi Corral for $60 a pop, and flying acro when he isn’t...
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