Paramotor Magazine
October / November 2009, issue 15
Rescue parachute ‘mega test’ opens can of worms
A large scale comparison test between different types of reserve parachutes has thrown up more questions than answers, and left some reserve makers furious over the results.
The ‘Grand Comparison’ of 41 reserves was carried out over two days at the end of March this year. It was organised by French paraglider testing house Air Turquoise and backed by the French and Swiss free flight associations.
However, the results of the test were so poor for some reserve parachutes that their manufacturers have refused to let the results be published, and even threatened to sue if they are.
Others, who did better, have been publicising their results...
1,500 word investigation into the obscure, in more ways than one, world of reserve parachute testing. Also published in Cross Country 125. Full story available by subscription at www.paramotormag.com
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